
    Testing Center
    Inspection Body
    Certification Body

Kurstermine 2024

Veranstaltung: 33. ÖGS-Workshop bei SteelCERT GmbH

Aktionswoche Thermisches Schneiden gemäß EN ISO 9013


Welding of reinforcing steel according to EN ISO 17660 / EWF544r1-21

Due to normative requirements, welding of reinforcing steel requires a qualification according to EN ISO 17660. If you are interested, please contact us.

33. Österreichischer Stahlbautag 2023

Vom 15.-16.06.2023 findet der 33. Österreichische Stahlbautag statt, an dem auch die Firma SteelCERT GmbH vertreten sein wird.

Kommen Sie zum Messecongress Nord in Graz und besuchen Sie uns am Stand 23.

Course Cataloque Fall 2023

The new course catalque for Fall 2023 is online!

To the course program!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via mail office@steelcert.at or via phone +43 316 27 12 75.

We are looking forward to see you!

Course program spring 2022

The new course program for 2022 is online - be fast and secure your course now!

To the course program!

 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via mail office@steelcert.at or via phone +43 316 27 12 75.

 We are looking forward to see you!

SteelCERT Experten Treff 2020 findet nicht statt

Bei der SteelCERT GmbH, als akkreditierte Prüf-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsstelle, nimmt die Qualitätssicherung (inkl. vorbeugender Maßnahmen) einen sehr großen Stellenwert ein. Gewisse Situationen können wir aber leider nicht beeinflussen, so wie aktuell die Thematik mit dem Corona-Virus.

Wir möchten Sie hiermit informieren, dass wir aufgrund der Ungewissheit und der weiteren Ausbreitung hinsichtlich des Corona-Virus, unseren geplanten „SteelCERT Experten Treff 2020“, welcher am 12.03.2020 hätte stattfinden sollen, zum Schutz unserer Kunden und Besucher leider absagen müssen!

Der „SteelCERT Experten Treff“ wird auf jeden Fall wieder stattfinden und Sie bekommen dafür auch rechtzeitig eine Einladung zugesandt!

Sollten Sie weitere Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte umgehend telefonisch oder per E-Mail!

Alle Dienstleistungen der SteelCERT GmbH werden natürlich weiterhin wie gewohnt zeitgerecht und zur vollsten Kundenzufriedenheit angeboten und durchgeführt!



"SCHWEISSEN" Linz 10. - 12.09.2019

From 10. - 12.09.2019 the "SCHWEISSEN", the Austrian trade fair for joining, cutting, surfacing, testing and protection technology took place in the Design Center Linz !

The lectures from Dipl. HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber are available for listening:

Schweißaufsicht Neu - internationale und nationale Sichtweisen - ISO 14731 :2019 - Anklicken zur Ansicht

Die neue EN 1090-2 :2018 und ihre Auswirkung auf die Schweißtechnik - Anklicken zur Ansicht


A short video-cut from the SCHWEISSEN in Linz:



Unser Messestand

our stand on the fair

Unsere Give aways

our give aways


crew of SteelCERT

Vortrag von Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber - Die neue EN 1090-2

lecture of Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber - the new EN 1090-2

Training day 2019 - SteeCERT and Daninger & Partner ZT

Die Firma Daninger & Partner ZT und die SteelCERT GmbH, veranstalteten 2019 erstmals zusammen den bei Kunden und Interessierten sehr beliebten Fortbildungstag 2019. Zahlreiche interessierte Teilnehmer informierten und diskutierten über die vorgetragenen Fachthemen:


    Vortragender: Rainer Planer - Firma SIKA


    Vortragende: Jürgen Pühringer + Gerald Hengstschläger - Firma Voestalpine Linz


   Vortragender: Hartmut Buchgraber - Firma Daninger & Partner ZT


   Vortragender: Dirk Schlicke - TU GRAZ


   Vortragender: Friedrich FELBER - Firma SteelCERT GmbH


A complete success - the INFORMATION DAY 2018 of SteelCERT!

A special day was INFORMATION DAY 2018 for SteelCERT. Current presentations have been prepared for customers and interested parties in order to provide everyone with new and interesting information. To take full advantage of the program presented, each participant was personally welcomed with a specially designed folder. The welcoming was punctually by Mr. Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber before he started the INFORMATION DAY 2018 with his first presentation on "The revised ÖNORM EN 1090-2" The audience listened to the words of the speaker until the first questions were asked. From the beginning, Friedrich Felber encouraged the audience to make comments and questions and with the participation of the public, the INFORMATION DAY 2018 achieved a very special dynamic which furthered the practical flow of information.

Before the second presentation "The new ÖNORM EN 1090-4: 2018" by Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber was held, during a short coffee break all participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and have interesting conversations. Afterwards, Mr. Udo Strimitzer explained in detail the topic "Project and order documentation".

For our customers, we prepared a catering, which provided for the culinary needs of our guests. A special highlight was the pumpkin cream soup, which were served very spectacular!

Mr. Siegfried Schuster started with the presentation in the afternoon with the topic "Activity and Responsibility of the WPK in Practice", where the general tasks of the factory production control were answered.

The following presentation was "CE mark and declaration of performance" by Mr. Udo Strimitzer. After the break, Mr. Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber ended the INFORMATION DAY with the topic "Welding supervision – beside?” After a summary of the day, our audience were released with a load of information. There were also after the program still some nice talks over coffee and cake.

The INFORMATION DAY 2018 was so successful and interesting that the INFORMATION DAY 2019 is already in the starting blocks! Well, see you ...!

Infotag 2018 Empfang

The INFORMATION DAY 2018 can begin...

Empfangskomitee der SteelCert

Everything is prepared - the guests are expected!

Begrüßung der Teilnehmer

Each customers was given a documentary after being welcomed.

Durchsicht der Unterlagen

Shortly before the beginning of the expectation of the customers increases.

Herzlich Willkommen!

The INFORMATION DAY was opened on time!

Die überarbeitete ÖNORM EN 1090-2

Mr. Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Friedrich Felber started with the first lecture "The revised ÖNORM EN 1090-2"

Pausengespräch Felber

During the breaks, the participants had the opportunity to question the speakers on the topics.


During the breaks there was the opportunity to exchange experiences with each other.


Of course, the physical well-being of the customers was taken care of!


Culinary delights!


Ein reichhaltiges Angebot in der Mittagspause!


Special "delicacies" for the lunch break!

Vortrag Projekt- und Auftragsdokumentation

Lecture of project and order documentation

Tätigkeit und Verantwortung der WPK in der Praxis

Activity and responsibility of the WPK in practice


Pleasantly pleasing what the participation of the audience!


During the breaks, our samples were watched.


At the end of the program there was also a confirmation of participation for all customers!

Gruppenfoto SteelCert

The whole team of SteelCert is looking forward to seeing you again at the INFORMATION DAY 2019!