In the industrial sectors steel, railway, printing equipment manufacturing, pipeline construction and engineering, the use of qualified and certified welders, operators and solderers is enshrined in respective standards mandatory.
Since July 1st, 2014 all steel and aluminum structures, which are placed on the market need to have a CE-label and there has to exist a declaration of performance. In order to be able to issue such a CE-label, the companies have to be certified according to EN 1090-1. SteelCERT is executing such certifications around the world – in practically oriented way and adapted to the respective company.
The standards of the EN 15085 series apply for the construction, manufacturing and testing of welded rail vehicles and their components; DIN 27201-6 applies additionally for rail vehicle welding system maintenance. This series of standards establishes the certification and the quality requirements for welding operations in production and maintenance work.
The standard series EN ISO 3834 specifies the quality requirements for the operation and sets out the principles for quality assurance of welded products which the manufacturer of components and structures must take into account. It includes both the individual and the mass production manufacturing, in many areas of welding production.
EN ISO 3834-2
Quality requirements for welding: fusion welding of metallic materials
Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
EN ISO 3834-3
Quality requirements for welding: fusion welding of metallic materials
Part 3: Standard quality requirements
EN ISO 3834-4
Quality requirements for welding: fusion welding of metallic materials
Part 4: Elementary quality requirements
The standard EN ISO 17660 is valid for the welding of reinforcing steel which is suitable for welding and stainless reinforcing steel for bearing / non-load bearing welded joints in companies and on construction sites. It defines the requirements for materials, design and execution of welding connections, welding staff, quality requirements, analysis and tests.
EN ISO 17660-1: bearing welded joints
EN ISO 17660-2: non-load bearing welded joints
As far as the industrial sectors for steel construction, rail vehicle construction, pressurized equipment, pipeline construction and mechanical engineering are concerned the use of qualified and certified welders, operators and brazers is obligatory.